In the fall of 1919, a young Austrian architect dreamed of escape-escape from the frigid European winter, from the “psychological collapse” of a demoralized culture, from the “empty cheerless drafting” that consumed his workdays. The silver knop is seven sided.The Iconographer In Julius Shulman's photographs, modern architecture became seductive, comfortable, and immortal.The red enamel CHI/RHO design is an emblem of Christ.The wavy lines surrounding the globe symbolize the waters of the River Jordon/waters of baptism.The circle around the dove symbolizes a halo indicating holiness. According to the Gospel narrative, the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended on Christ while being baptized by John the Baptist. The Dove at the top symbolizes the Holy Spirit.John the Baptist, patron Saint of the University. John’s University mace are all based on the iconography associated with St. The University Mace measures 39” and weighs 5 lbs. The Grand Marshal leads the procession at the Commencement Exercises. The mace bearer is the Grand Marshal, a faculty member chosen by the Provost for distinguished service and accomplishments. In the less-militaristic climate of today’s Academy, the mace, a symbol of faculty and students, announces by its presence that those who follow bear the power of higher learning, which dispels the darkness of ignorance and oppression more certainly and peaceably than any weapon of war. The academic mace traces its origins to the heavy, armor-breaking club knights used in the Middle Ages.

Lawrence Lonergan, C.M., M.F.A., M.L.S., Chairman of the Fine Arts Department. The University Mace was created at the request of the President of the University in the early 1960s by Rev. John's University, bright red with white chevron

Catholic University, lemon yellow with white chevron.Some of the institutional colors to be seen at an academic ceremony are as follows: If more than one degree is held, the gown and hood of the highest degree are worn. The doctor of philosophy degree requires the dark blue velvet irrespective of the major field. It is important to note that the field of learning having prior mention in the conferment of a degree, and not the department governing the major work, determines the color that is proper for the velvet of the hood. The colors indicative of the various fields of learning are as follows: Field The hood is then bordered with velvet of the color signifying the respective fields of learning. The hood - a black shell-like affair of varying size for the three degrees and material to match the gown - is silk-lined stressing the colors of the institution conferring the degree. The hood gives color and distinction to the academic costume. In addition, doctor's caps may be of velvet and adorned by a gold tassel. Generally, all caps may be of serge or broadcloth. This velvet trimming may be either black or the color distinctive of the field of learning to which the degree pertains. The gown for the doctor's degree is also worn open it has broad velvet panels down the front and three velvet bars on the large, bell-like sleeves. The gown, however, is worn open, and the very long sleeve is squared and closed at the end, the forearm coming through a slit near the elbow. The holder of a a master's degree wears a gown with the same yoke effect of the bachelor's. It is primarily distinguished by its long pointed sleeves. The gown for the bachelor's degree has a semi-stiff yoke, long pleated front and intricate shirring across the shoulders and back.

Monks and students of those days wore them to keep warm in the damp and drafty 12th century castles and halls of learning. The caps, gowns and hoods (academic attire) worn at college and university functions date back to the Middle Ages.